Your opinion please

much as my site gets little or no access and I will not talk about sales, what do you think? too smooth? too clean?
did you get more sales test? this is a common practice? I got 3! does that mean my site is up and running, I had no comments of the testers?
thank you for your help
Author : INDE ET SEN
Readings : 1805
Creation : 2011-05-24
cremecaviar said ...
website url please. Thank you
inde et sen said ...
sorry here is the url of my shop:
thank you for your comment
one last thing if someone is selling clothes, I can honestly say
average per day or month how many visits and how many sales finally if you want!
ccevenement said ...
problem with the GTC text overlaps and not at all clear it gives no desire to read.

Otherwise I found the cool site still lacks tone numbers siret coordinate with the company.
Anonymous said ...
as stated previously cgv overlap, and number cnil rcs in cgv but we must try! misspellings otherwise beautiful product in the standard tariff

good luck
inde et sen said ...
thank you for your comments I will go and change the implementation of the GCS, when it is your sale? How long (on average or about or at least you) for the first sale? How many visits per day?
thank you I know that referencing takes time, and campaigns to do I just want to locate my e shop opposite the market for Internet sales.
thank you all
Anonymous said ...
Good evening,
I visited your site and I found your nice articles. I sent you an email on 24/05 and I still have not received an answer. When one is self entrepreneur like me, you have to be very responsive to not miss sales. It's just a little advice that I would do because when you start, it's not always easy to manage everything.
See you soon.
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