![]() Hello,
After some changes and adding new products, I would like to have your overall opinion (photos, prices, choice, design ...) www.zone-rc.com Thank you in advance;)
graf'co said ...
very nice site! bravo! great homepage!
le messager said ...
I find your website very pro!! we see immediately that there is work and research! This is all very seller on. I put my site, I do not find enough seller, what are you think? thank you in advance for your advice. www.lemessagerdeyeialel.kingeshop.com 2013-08-27
tocadim said ...
Hello Thomas and congratulations for your website!
Can you tell me how to make a banner like the one you have on the home page? Thank you for your reply and good sales 2013-08-27
Thomas said ...
Thank you all for your comments! ;) For my banner, I just insert my logo, the image being hosted by kingeshop ... :) Good sales at all! 2013-08-27