Products and categories
What is the function ''External link'' of a product?
What is the function ''External link'' of a product?
The function ''External link'' is located in the sheet to create or modify a product.
ecommerce web site design
The function ''External link'' allows you to redirect your customer to another website as yours.
Warning : redirecting customers to another website as your own online store, may lose you sales and perhaps even losing the client. Use this function in particular situations.
Here's how to use the function ''External link'' :
In the field next to the word ''External link'', enter the address of the website in which you want to redirect your customers.
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ecommerce web hosting
Click anywhere on the side of the field (on the white).
The following message appears, read it very carefully and click''OK''.
ecommerce hosting
When your customer clicks on the product image to view in more detail, rather than see the product enlarged and in detail, it will be redirected to the website you entered the address.
To stop customers getting redirected elsewhere if there are more clicks on the product, simply delete the address and click anywhere on the side of the field (on the white).

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