What do you think of my site? Thank you in advance
My site is nearing completion, I would like to have critics, good or bad. Thank you in advance.
Author : Leila
Readings : 1776
Creation : 2009-09-14
Celine D. said ...

Me I found the color scheme a bit strange, but it is only my opinion. And the homepage is not very attractive, but maybe you did not finished yet.

Good luck for the future.
philippe said ...
hello leila
I found your homepage really too long and without any things that may at first glance, deserves attention, you should make a provision differently so that it is atractif of that you get without moving the cursor Otherwise, all the rest, well,
Personally, I think the homepage should attract the eye so that the client wants to go further on your site
That's my opinion
bonne continuation
good luck
Anonymous said ...
Thank you for those remarks apparently is the home page is wrong. The change will be made. Thank you to both.
Anonymous said ...
yes, except the homepage, it is pretty good. And unlike celine, I like the colors offered.
by cons, beware of the numerous spelling mistakes especially in the payment section secure. It's not fun here!

good sales:)
Anonymous said ...
I also wanted to say that when you know your address directly into the address bar, no problem, it falls well on the site.

by cons in google, there is no trace of your site. one falls on www......kingeshop.com.

Is it because you just put it online with your own domain name. it takes a little time, I think, or AC will always like that?

question asked the designer to KingEshop.
thank you for enlightening me
Anonymous said ...
instead of putting, especially as homepage that shipping is included in the price (not jojo), saying instead that they are free (or available) because they have nothing more to pay than the prices ... No?
Anonymous said ...
Thank you for these reviews, I have work to do!
KingEshop said ...

After changing the domain name, it is normal to re-referencing the beginning. To help you, please read this article very carefully, it is in French but you can translate it with Google's translator :



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