![]() I finished my site and would like your opinion because I think some things are better then your criticisms are welcome!
Jérôme said ...
And what is the address?
cdt, Jérôme 2009-09-04
Anonymous said ...
really well done I love your site, clear, not too many details, super ....... but what's the address?? :)
Paul said ...
Hello Sabrina,
You forgot to mention your site! Best regards, Paul 2009-09-04
philippe said ...
hard drive guys, true that with an address have would see clearer lol
address tjs ca little used, thank you best regards philippe 2009-09-04
Sabrina said ...
Oh it's all me! More stunned found it! I'm so sorry!
The address is: http://www.avonbeauty.kingeshop.com/ 2009-09-04
Gerlando said ...
I saw that the name used for your site already exists, otherwise the site is well clear. Best regards Gerlando http://www.bgclub.kingeshop.com/ 2009-09-04
Sabrina said ...
Thank you for your opinion. For the name that already exists if it is on e-mysite is the site I had done before because I did not know it was possible to create a free shop. Best regards 2009-09-04
philippe said ...
hello Sabrina
then nothing to say, very pro has my taste, clear sharp and precise, what to ask for better I just ask if the council of a woman to visit the mine and say what they think? www.bijouxdiscount22.com thank you in advance bonne continuation 2009-09-04
philippe said ...
hello Gerlando
not bad but your site !!!!! lol, there tjs on but I found your home page too quickly, not assertions of things, too empty, ca does not attract the eye too, if not the rest and very well I just said what I think, but c my tastes, lol best regards philippe 2009-09-04
Gerlando said ...
Hello Philip and Sabrina
Ok I understand, I know that we must be careful to avoid this problem, otherwise much courage. Philip thank you for your opinion, is it true I can empty am trying to see how to reach that no other product is its mess. Suggestion? thank you in advance Best regards Gerlando http://www.bgclub.kingeshop.com/ 2009-09-04
Sabrina said ...
Hi Philippe and thank you for your opinion! I was just a little afraid that my site does not quite Pro so I'm reassured! I went to your website and I find it really great! The homepage is very well done and makes you want to browse the rest of the site (besides, I just found that my homepage is a bit thin ...). The products are well presented and I found it very nice to explain in detail how to pay with Paypal, the book is a good idea too. Really I can find nothing wrong!
Otherwise Gerlando I would like to have some tips to improve my home without it gets too loaded. Thank you for all these answers! 2009-09-04
delphine said ...
your wonderful site! Nothing to say. Here is mine too: 2009-09-06
Sabrina said ...
Delphine thank you very much for your opinion!
I went to your website and I find it very good too! Especially the homepage is really great to find what we seek! And the loyalty program is a great idea! (and then I love the name of the site is really found it!) 2009-09-06
philippe said ...
hello delphine
very pleasant your site has no objection we always improve but in your case, I'd advise you what you've done everything, so I have no criticism to make a particular observation or good luck philippe 2009-09-06
philippe said ...
hello Gerlando
me on your homepage, I would see more of your articles or those you'll receive, or to make a full page, put in bigger, a way that we see it as and when you come on your site is like a store, put the value and not too small or else put in more, but the choice and now I can give you that personal opinion good luck philippe 2009-09-06
Gerlando said ...
Hello Philippe,
thank you for your advice, I try to do something there that is doing that I can see how little setup going. thank you again Gerlando 2009-09-16
Delphine said ...
thank you Sabrina and Philippe.
All we need to know the qua! 2009-09-16
Sabrina said ...
Yes now you must do but know not what is easy!
Delphine said ...
you just have to Actuce to know a site? 2009-09-16
Céline D. said ...
Sabrina I would ask a small question to philippe. Philip, so I took a walk on my website (here is mine-www.des bijoux.com) My question: how do you go to insert images in your column headings (where you paste the paypal gifs, Webmarchand, etc ...)? That's exactly what I would do, I hope you can help me. In advance thank you ;-) 2009-09-16
philippe said ...
hello celine
You speak of the Refence guide merchant, c ca? simply enlarge your page in order to go as far as possible, you deposit the money, you save, and you refresh your site and see if you have them well placed at the right place, and so on, until you find the prominently I said, if c bien ca you wanted to know I found your site very much, so good, c type of site I would visit as part tjs same pleasure when c Pleasant lol have have wanted to stay best regards philippe 2009-09-16
Anonymous said ...
hello celine
Your site is very nice, it is simple, clear and clean, well ventilated, it makes you want join a stroll around. By cons I have not seen your N siret compulsory. www.unpeudefantaisie.kingeshop.com 2009-09-16
Céline D. said ...
Hello philippe
Thank you for your info, I had responded to my problem inserting image under the menu heading. For now, I still filled my site and then I refine a little more visual. Hello anonymous My siret and complete information societies are visible in my cgv. I know my obligations ;-) To thank you both for your positive comments on my shop. Best regards www.des-bijoux.com 2009-09-16