Shipping cost by weight

I would like to thank you also know if there is a way for freight to be by weight rather than by region.
Author : druuna59
Readings : 1741
Creation : 2009-09-10
Gerlando said ...

I think it not possible, I would like to add to your question: calculate the shipping correctly, as with other products that do not hollowing.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards
Gerlando B.
druuna59 said ...
In fact it is not easy because everything is calculated by weight, we have items that weigh 80 grams and others who are more than 15 kg or even 30.
The problem is that I do not know how to calculate it.

Take the example of a customer who buys me a variety of products, the fee sontpas calculated before, except that it is the system by region I can find no other system. There not another way to facilitate free and customers are direct costs of delivery and not wait until I calculates and returns the result change?
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