Problem of visibility of my site
This is a year since we create our site, we have many visitors, but the problem remains, visitors not staying (0s), and we found among our friends that the visibility of the site was not perfect (image phased integration of symbol on the home page text, headings, images, all overlap) then we know that the homepage is the most important so if she has any flaws visitors do not normal.
would like to know if we have the same problem in one year a single sale we wonder if this did not play against us.
we note that on our side with our pc we never had this kind of problem.
this program it would be used by others, or with imcompatibité programs kingeshop.
we would like to understand what is happening in the visualization of site.
Thanks for your reply Sincerely

Author : Patou
Readings : 2641
Creation : 2009-08-08
KingEshop said ...
Hi Patou,

Regarding the overlap, we must understand that this problem has nothing to do with KingEshop. The problem is that each browser interprets the code as it sees fit. This is true between different browsers and also between different versions of the same browser.

So, the easiest solution to avoid surprises from one browser to another, is to make pages easier. A good thing to do is to remove the frames in your texts. Do this and you will see.


KingEshop Team.
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