Problem for billing information
Hello, I have a
p'tit worries:
in the details of your company's billing there is a tab state / prov and must choose the region where the company is based. I only have 3 choices: Ile de France, Alsace and Lorraine.
Breton so I'm not about to put one of these 3 choices, but not!
More seriously on the billing address of customers that choice is mandatory so how I do so that other regions are visible.
Will I missed a manip?
thank you for your responses and good week end
Author : dom
Readings : 1308
Creation : 2009-10-24
KingEshop said ...
Hi Dom,

The territories that you see are only examples, you must create your own territories. Here's a question that our FAQ will help you :


KingEshop Team.
dom said ...
thank you and good Sunday to you
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