Opinion on my site
Hello, I want advice on my site to improve it


thank you for your understanding
Author : debo
Readings : 1114
Creation : 2011-12-20
ChezMiilyne said ...
You must absolutely change your header
Also the home page is too simple.
You should take pictures of your products and put it on the homepage.
There are no articles, so no general sales or mentions legal.
I hope this will help you.
Good luck,
Cid said ...
There are too many spelling mistakes, it's not good for your clients.

Good luck:)
Anonymous said ...
You must also correct spelling errors in the articles and product details.
I think you should change the header.
The image of the quail is very big indeed.
You must give more detail for the products.
You must also take pictures of items you sell.
There is work but it looks very good ...
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