Opinion on my site
Hello everyone, I want to know your opinion on my site to improve it. If you will take some time to check it out! I thank you in advance
Author : EVA
Readings : 1167
Creation : 2011-11-17
Anonymous said ...

the worse:
black frames in the news page are not pretty
logo and banners are rasterized
you should have more categories
many of your pictures are dark
some are reworked and others do not
information about new start must be in the article
There is no size clothes in the balances
Jewelry is wrong it should be located after clothes

Your colors are nice and soft. Quick navigation
Your banner is nice but you should make more colored bags
b-boxs said ...
I do not like the gifts on your home page, find other on google image.
Otherwise I would put your strengths on your home page as payment methods, discounts on shipping.
I remind you that customers come first on your home page, must be either powerful
Nat said ...

No terms of sale, no phone number to reach you, a lot of spelling mistakes ...
Difficult to be credible in these conditions
You still have a lot of work!
good luck,
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