Opinion on my homepage
I would like to have tips and advice on the presentation of my home page
thank you in advance for your help.

link to my website: http://www.loveandpassion.kingeshop.com/
Author : coralie
Readings : 1433
Creation : 2012-01-09
viny68 said ...
Good evening.

Your home page lacks color and is too simple.
I wish you good luck for the future. ;)

Vincent Alsace www.dip68.kingeshop.com
Tania said ...
Hi Coralie:)

There are spelling mistakes on the home page.
I find that the combination of pink colors is not good.

The header of the site is not good: the images are blurry and stretched.

You must take the photos of the products on a white background and must present the product from all sides.

That's my opinion.

Good luck!

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