Nothing is for Free!
I'm not able to find anywhere how king-e-shop gets paid. There are no fees, no advertisement, so unless this is Santa Slaus, how does king-e-shop get paid or make money in this situation?
Thank you
Author : europafila
Readings : 2106
Creation : 2014-04-18
Antoine said ...
I disagree, the best things in life are free and yes kingeshop is completely free since 2007.
Pip said ...
I am wondering the same...Money got real tight with health issues in the family and I lost my domain.. I just wish the url for a subdomain could be shorter. There are other webstore sites offering Free but they limit the qty of products (Not that 35 is really limiting for a crafts person)

Nid said ...
Hi Pip,

At kingeshop there is no product limit and you can have a complete online store without paying anything and it's true. I have two shops with them since 2008 and I never pay anything.

Try it and you will see :)

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