Need constructive criticism

I have a site with kingeshop to sell jewelry that I make myself. I have very reasonable prices but I need outside criticism to improve the construction of my site. A big thank you in advance.
Author : ChezMiilyne
Readings : 1350
Creation : 2011-12-08
charlotte said ...
Hello ...

I give you my opinion ... There is too much text on the home page, I would rather have more pictures. You can

introduce yourself on the page''profile''

There are spelling mistakes.

I am shocked that you speak of prices set by other designers.

Put more photo on the home page and redo your presentation.

Good luck: o)
mel17 said ...

Like Charlotte, the text on competitors scared me.
Put more pictures of your creations on the home page. You can present them in boxes or flowers.
The descriptions are good.
I have not found the general conditions of sale?
ChezMiilyne said ...
Thank you very much, I'll change that.
I'll correct the text and put more images.
A big thank you to you, you really help me
Good luck to you too;).
manucrea said ...
There are too many spelling mistakes in the text.
It would be well to recall the material used for each product.
ChezMiilyne said ...
A big thank you all for your critics who teach me a lot. I will start to improve me. I will post an

announcement when I redone everything. I have already started.
Karl said ...
Your site is very nice, I love the red. The products presentation is simple but interesting.
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