My home page has been updated with your suggestions
I upgraded my home page with your ideas and criteria,
This allowed me to move forward.

Please tell me again your advice to advance more in the presentation.

For those that they want to partner with us, contact me, thank you
(with the contact on my site)

Thank you in advance! and good luck on good KINGeshop!
Author : Marc
Readings : 1341
Creation : 2011-11-17
b-boxs said ...
I like your site
There are two to three things to change but nothing serious
In the pages help and contact, there is the red frame that touches the black line and that the break
your gif image (bottom right) there is one which also affects the black line, it must again, in short, nothing terrible but hey if you want perfection ...

good day
Anonymous said ...
Thank you boxs, it's done!
your shop is very well, it is clear and very professional!
you do pub or no on the internet?
b-boxs said ...
yes I'm in advertising and every day I'm referencing (morning).
Sometimes I am paid advertising (between 1 and 15) after these dates because people buy less advertising on google
b-boxs said ...
by advertising, I win 50% more customers

ps thank you anonymous
we try to do the best
Anonymous said ...
How do you manage your advertising and with what, please
Thank you Boxs.
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