Is it possible to add a surcharge on a sale?
Here, I create produist all kinds of media, cardboard, cloth, slate etc. .... but I want to know how do we put in place if possible an extra payment on my bill, because buyers can choose their support, but I wish that if they order they choose such support slate, it will be more expensive than the cardboard support, is that I must face a model for any media or well n 'make an example on a slate and to pay the difference on my bill from my media card? I do not know if I am explicit enough. Thank you for your replies very useful Françoise
KingEshop said ...
Hello Mimosa100,
It is not possible. You must create a product for each medium. Regards, KingEshop Team. 2010-02-15
mimosa100 said ...
thank you for this information, it is a shame, it may - be looked at with all my respet, best regards Françoise 2010-02-15