Insert a personalized banner less than 20k
hello all,

can anyone inform me how to create a personalized banner (93x990 according to the instructions of Kes) in less than a 20k gif?? I'm trying I exceed the size requires in gif ) -:

thank you in advance
Author : Nicolas
Readings : 1504
Creation : 2011-11-21
Anonymous said ...
Uses a lot of white (or black or any plain background). For the image size is small, it must not have much color.

You can also try to "take off" everything that represents the file (leaving only the background) and create a new empty gif image and then pick up your image in, often the results are spectacular.

Anonymous said ...
Hello, you can only insert a logo in the header and must be less than 20k. To insert a personal header is an optional extra and must be less than 100k
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