If I change the address of my domain name?
If I change the address of my domain name for no longer having KingEshop to be referenced by and compare prices other is what I always enjoys good space KingEshop? And create links to different pages they will be returned to my new domain? I care not what I create on KingEshop which will switch on Mouveau domain name? Thank you in advance for your reply.
Author : jerome63730
Readings : 1821
Creation : 2009-09-13
KingEshop said ...
Hi Jerome63730,

If you change of domain name, nothing in your shop will not change, text and images remain as you have created and will always be hosted by us (KingEshop). The links within your site that point to your site will automatically change.

Here's a question that our FAQ will help you, if you decide to change your domain name :



KingEshop Team.
Charmeuse said ...
1 1 me this request:

To transfer the domain, you must enter the passcode (AUTHCODE). If you have not made the application with your current provider.

Where can I find?

Thank you for your help
KingEshop said ...
Hello charmeuse,

The authcode is a secret code that lets you move a domain to a registrar to another. Usually, this approach is that only very rarely, especially in case you want to sell your domain name to someone else. So what do you do exactly? Would you change the registrar?


KingEshop Team.
charmeuse said ...
Hello and thank you for your response.
No I do not want to move the domain name.
Just remove KingEshop.
KingEshop said ...
Hi Charmeuse,

Just follow very carefully the following FAQ :



KingEshop Team.
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