I need your critical opinion on my site
Hello everyone,

I am creating my site (is not completed because they lack informations and products), but my friends do not like it.

Also, thank you for taking the time to consult and inform me of your criticisms, opinions, suggestions, encouragement, ideas, etc., so I can finish it effectively.

Thank you and have a good day

Author : NIDOVI
Readings : 1307
Creation : 2011-11-15
Anonymous said ...

I find the idea pretty cool.

Indeed, the color purple is rather unpleasant and somewhat out of fashion.

"Bienvenue chez lacetsfun" is write a little strict in relation to what you offer.
Maybe have a little too much text on the home page.

I wish you good luck.
Anonymous said ...

nice idea,

but I really not like the home page
large disks take all the page.

colors, not inspiring

by cons I like the list of adjectives, we read everything to find an adjective that would suit us

good luck for the future
Magali. said ...

The slogan is beautiful and my son will become a fan of this site!
For cons, the colors, I do not like. Blue is too flash.
Good luck.
Delphine said ...
On the home page, a big gray square, so we can not read what is on them.

But I too had some trouble at first, it's normal when you do not yet know the interface of the site;-)

Otherwise, I think the idea is original and wish you good luck.

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