![]() Hello, I'm new here. My problem is I can not delete items that are on my home page (the TV)
How to do cordially thank you in advance for your future help. www.affairedunet.kingeshop.com
KingEshop said ...
Hi Yoann,
Please see our FAQ, it contains all the necessary information to help you : http://www.kingeshop.com/FAQ-ecommerce-software-bbeaaaaaaaaa.asp Regards, KingEshop Team. 2011-11-24
YOANN said ...
Hello I am sorry for inconvenience because everything is very well explained
cordially Yoann. 2011-11-25
sand said ...
you must go to my site, static page, click on the home page and home page will appear, then click on the picture and click on the delete button. We must do the same manipulation for all the pictures you want to delete. After when you want to put your pictures must be the same manipulation and go to the bar at the top right of the page there are six small icons. This is the third to be chosen icons for photos and you can integrate them. if you have other questions I can answer you directly by email sfsexyboutic@free.fr. Me too at first I had trouble. But once we know it's a breeze cordially sand 2011-11-25