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How to use RSS feeds?
How to use RSS feeds?
Here is the symbol which identifies an RSS feeds :
ecommerce solution provider
RSS feeds are already installed in your shop, you have nothing to do about it. The symbol of the RSS feed is located at the bottom of your online store. To view your RSS feed, simply click on the symbol.
ecommerce hosting
An RSS feeds is a file that contains the latest published or the most popular in a website (as the most visited). RSS feeds allow you to be informed in real time about changes in a website.
RSS feeds are very useful for referencing, because search engines also index the pages found there.
RSS feeds are working through an aggregator (RSS reader). Formerly, it was necessary to install an aggregator in the browser to use RSS feeds. Now, the aggregators are integrated in all browsers.
Here's how to use RSS feeds :
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Open your browser.
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Go to the site in which you want to view RSS feeds. For our example, we chose the site
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Look for the RSS feeds symbol.
e-commerce web site
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Click on the symbol. RSS feeds of the most popular products for site appear.
Note : The page is too large, we present only a sample of the page.
online store
Before, there was only the product description. Now you can also see the photo of the product, this is very interesting for your customers.
How to subscribe to the RSS feeds :
Click the button ''Subscribe Now''.
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ecommerce solutions
A window will open.
ecommerce web hosting
By default, we propose to put the RSS feeds in your favorite bar. If you agree, click ''OK''.
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ecommerce shopping cart software
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If you do not want the RSS feeds appears in the bookmarks bar, click the down arrow next to the option ''Create in'' and choose where you want the RSS feeds appears. Then click ''OK''.
Ecommerce solutions
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For our example, we chose to keep the default option. The RSS feeds therefore appears in the bookmarks bar.
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To view the RSS feeds, simply click on the symbol and choose the product that interests you.
ecommerce solution
To remove the RSS feeds :
For our example, we will remove the feeds from the favorites bar.
1 -
Click the right button of your mouse over the symbol of the RSS feeds you want to remove.
A menu will appear.
ecommerce web site design
2 -
Click on the button ''Delete''.
shopping cart software
The RSS feeds will disappear from the favorites bar.
ecommerce software

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