![]() Could you help me please, I need to put the paypal logo on my homepage but it is not possible in HTML, is there an alternative, another way to put it on the page and how do I go about it, thank you for your help.
Jérôme said ...
Hello Jacques,
For my part, and I think that is the case with many shops, I'm just copy / paste a logo PayPal that I found on the net and I have inserted as a single image. regards, Jérôme 2009-09-09
Jean-Michel said ...
Idem, directly at Paypal JM www.affaires-afaire.fr 2009-09-10
Jacques said ...
OK, thank you I'll try it on.
Juliette said ...
Regarding the logo I get there is not hell, and yet in the computer I'm doing!
Jean Michel, I wanted to tell you that your shop is great, I love. 2009-09-10
Delphine said ...
just find a logo on the net, you 'records in your computer and you inserts it as a photo. 2009-09-10
Jérôme said ...
Hello Juliette,
it is sufficient simply to identify a logo (Paypal for the case of Jacques) on a shop selling online or directly on the site Paypel (www.paypal.fr), to right click on it, save the image and then insert the desired place on your homepage, one of your headings, etc., as you would with any other image. Good luck Regards, Jérôme 2009-09-10