Products and categories
How to create a product?
How to create a product?
Log in your administration.
1 -
Click on the button ''My products''.
2 -
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3 -
Then click on the button ''Manage products''.
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4 -
Click on the button ''Create a product''.
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The window for creating a product will appear.
The window to create a product is too large, we present a small part of the window.
5 - Category :
Click the down arrow next to the word ''Category.''
The list of all categories that you previously created will appear.
Choose the category that corresponds to the product you are creating.
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6 - Activity :
Click the down arrow next to the word ''Activity''.
For your product to be visible in your online store, choose ''Visible''.
To ensure that your product is not visible in your online store, choose ''Hidden''.
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7 - Code ID :
The code ID is the number you choose for your product.
You want a product number at a watch, the code ID of this product could be : HORL-001
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Note : Choose a code ID that describes the product in the best possible way.
8 - Name :
Enter the product name.
It is very important that you enter the product name in all languages that appear in your online store.
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Note : The product name is very important for referencing your site. To help you choose the name of your products, please see ''Comment améliorer son référencement ?'' in the website of KingEshop.
9 - Description :
Enter the product description.
It is very important that you enter the description in all languages that appear in your online store.
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Note : The description of the product is very important for referencing your site. To help you choose the description of your products, please see ''Comment améliorer son référencement ?'' in the website of KingEshop.
10 - Options :
You can use this section to enter options for your product.
Each option must be separated by a coma or they will not appear in your online store.
It is very important that you enter the options in all languages that appear in your online store.
Example : The product that we're creating is available in several size. In the field, we write : [9.90]Small,[9.90]Medium,[9.90]Large. In your online store. When your product will be completely created, your client can choose the desired size for this product.
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Here is the result in a website :
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Here, we give you an example with the size of a product, but the options can be selected depending on the product you sell. You can also set different prices for options.
''Options'' function offers many possibilities. For more information on how to configure the options you can look at the question ''How to add options for my products ?'' of the category ''Management of the products and the categories'' of the FAQ.
11 - Customizable :
Use this section if the product you sell can be personalized with a name, a thought, a date, etc.
Click the down arrow and choose ''Yes'' to activate the function. If you choose ''No'', you can not write in the fields.
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A confirmation message will appear, read it and click ''OK''.
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Enter the limit of characters (letters, numbers) that you may.
Example : You offer your customers the choice to add a greeting card to a bouquet of flowers they are buying. Enter the maximum number of characters that your customer can use to write the greeting card (such as : Maximum 30 characters).
It is very important that you enter the limits of characters in all languages that appear in your online store.
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Here is the result in a website :
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12 - Special msg (Special message) :
You can give your client information about the product by adding a special message.
You would like to inform your client that this week you offer a discount on the product. In the field enter : New price reduced by 25%. When your customer chooses the product, the message will be visible and your client will be informed of the discount. Enter the special message in all languages that appear in your online store.
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Here is the result in a website :
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13 - Price :
Enter the price of the product.
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14 - Tax :
All the taxes you have configured in the ''My web site''-''General settins''-''Settings sales taxes''.
In automatic, the tax is active. If you want the tax applied on the product price at invoice, leave the field of the charge in question as it is.
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If you do not want the tax is applied on the product price at invoice, click the down arrow to the tax that you do not want to apply and select ''Inactive''. shopping cart
Note : If you want more information on setting taxes, please refer to the question ''How to choose the sales tax ?'' of the category ''Configuration and appearance of my Web site'' of the FAQ.
15 - Shipping :
Enter the amount of shipping cost that you charge your customers for their order.
Enter the amount of shipping costs for all areas that you serve (Local, Near, Medium, Far).
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Note : if you want more information on the management of shipping cost, please refer to the question ''How to manage my shipping costs ?'' of the category ''Configuration and appearance of my Web site'' of the FAQ.
16 - Weight of the product :
This feature allows you to record the weight of the product. That way, if you choose to configure the shipping weight, the amount you have entered into this function will determine the amount of shipping cost.
Note : If you want more information about this feature, see the question ''What kind of shipping cost are available?'' of the category ''Configuration and appearance of my Web site'' of the FAQ.
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17 - External link :
The function ''External link'' can redirect your customer to another website as your own.
In the field next to the word ''External link'', enter the address of the website to which you want to redirect your customers.
Click anywhere on the side of the field (on the white).
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A message will appear. Read it very carefully and click ''OK''.
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When your customer clicks on the product image to view in more detail, rather than see the product enlarged and in detail, it will be redirected in the website from which you entered the address.
Note : redirecting customers to another website as your own online store, may lose you sales and perhaps even the client. Use this function only in very special cases.
So that your customers are no longer redirected if they click elsewhere on the product image, simply delete the address in the field ''External link'' and click anywhere on the side of field (on the white).
18 - Manage stocks :
This feature allows you to manage the quantities available for the product. Click the down arrow, you have three choices :
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1 - No stock management. The product is always visible : there is no inventory for the product. The product is still visible in your online store, no matter how many times your customer buys.
2 - When quantity is equal to zero, product is visible and non buyable : when the quantity of the product is zero, the product is still visible on your site, but it can not be purchased by your customers.
3 - When quantity is equal to zero the product become invisible : when the quantity of the product is zero, the product is no longer visible on your site and it can not be purchased by your customers.
Note : This function is explained in detail in the question ''How to manage the quantities available for my products ?'' of the category ''Management of the products and the categories'' of the FAQ.
19 - Little image :
Space for this picture is 185 pixels wide by 150 pixels high.
Click on the ''Browse'' button.
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For some browsers like Google Chrome, you must click on the button ''Choose File''.
Choose the image you want to insert, then click on the button ''Open''.
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The name of the image will appear in the box next to the word ''Little image''.
For some browsers like Google Chrome, the name of the image will appear next to the button ''Choose File''.
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Click on the button ''Upload'', the image will appear in the frame.
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You can choose to put a frame around your image. For more information about this feature, see the question' 'How to put a frame around the images of my products?'' of the category ''Image processing'' of the FAQ.
Note : If you dont like the image that you downloaded, click on the ''Delete'' button. The image disappears from the frame.
20 - Big image :
Space for this picture is 585 pixels wide by 350 pixels high.
Click on the ''Browse'' button.
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For some browsers like Google Chrome, you must click on the button ''Choose File''.
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Choose the image you want to insert, then click on the button ''Open''
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The name of the image will appear in the field next to the word ''Big image''.
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For some browsers like Google Chrome, the name of the image will appear next to the button ''Choose File''.
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Click on the button ''Upload'', the image will appear in the frame.
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You can choose to put a frame around your image. For more information about this feature, see the question ''How to put a frame around the images of my products?'' of the category ''Image processing'' of the FAQ.
Note : If you dont like the image that you downloaded, click on the ''X'' below the small image of the product. The image disappears from the frame.
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You can insert up to 5 images for your products. For more information, please see the question ''How to insert multiple images for a product?'' of the category ''Image processing'' of the FAQ.
21 - Landscape and Portrait :
This feature allows you to choose to present your products to the width (landscape) or height (portrait).
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For more information about this feature, see the question ''How to use the ''Landscape'' and ''Portrait'' function ?'' of the category ''Image processing'' of the FAQ.
22 - The zoom :
This feature allows you to view a larger part of the product image.
If you are creating a new product, you can activate the zoom but you need to finish creating the product to see the zoom in the online store.
For more information about this feature, see the question ''How to use the zoom feature for the big picture of the products ?'' of the category ''Image processing'' of the FAQ.
23 - Display of the mini images :
This function does not display the first mini image if you have only one image.
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For more information about this feature, see the question''How to insert multiple images for a product?'' of the category ''Image processing'' of the FAQ.
24 - Video for the product :
This feature allows you to add a video for your product.
To learn how to use this feature, please refer to the question ''How to insert videos for my products ?'' of the category ''Configuration and appearance of my Web site'' of the FAQ.
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25 - Recommended products :
The function ''Recommended products'' serves to introduce products that complement the product you are creating.
Example : The product that you create now is a miniature clock, in the field ''Recommended products'' enter the number of a product that complements this miniature clock (a trinket for example).
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Then click on the button ''Add''. The product will appear.
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Here is the result in a website :
When your customer clicks on a product to see more detail, the recommended product is displayed at the end of the product page.
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You can add as many recommended products as you want, simply enter another product code and click on the button ''Add'' to each of the recommended products you want to add.
However, you can not add the same product as you are creating, if you still try the following message appears : This function is used to help your client to choose a product that complements the product you are working. Therefore, you must choose a different product to the product in which you are working.
If you are not satisfied with the product recommended that you added, click on the button ''Delete'' and the recommended product will disappear.
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26 - Online shopping guides :
You can register the product in the online shopping guides connected to online shopping guides To do this, please refer to the question ''How do the settings for online shopping guides ?'' of the category ''Promotion of my Web site with Adwords and others'' of the FAQ.
27 -
Return to the top of the page and click on the button ''Create''. Your product is created.
Note : You must complete all required fields or you will not be able to create your product. Required fields are marked with the word ''Mandatory'' is written in red and is located next to the required fields.

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