Image processing
How to put a frame around the images of my products?
How to put a frame around the images of my products?
1 -
Log into your administration.
2 -
Click on the button ''My products''.
shopping cart software
3 -
Then click on the button ''Manage products''.
ecommerce hosting
4 -
If your product is not yet created, click on the button ''Create a product''.
ecommerce site
The window to create a product will appear.
The window is not shown in full because it is too large, we present only a part of the window.
e-commerce solution
5 -
If your product is already created :
Click on the button ''Manages products''.
a )
shopping cart solution
The window for managing the products appear.
shopping carts
In the field ''Code'', enter the product number.
b )
The product will appear.
real estate internet marketing
c )
Click on the product number (in blue).
The window to change the product will appear. (The complete window of changes in the products is much too big then we present only a part of the window).
online shopping cart software
Note : We give an explanation with the little image, but the procedure is the same for the big image.
6 -
To insert an image, locate the image function ''Little image''.
online shopping cart
7 -
Click on the ''Browse'' button.
online storefront
For some browsers like Google Chrome, you must click on the button ''Choose File''.
8 -
Choose the image you want to insert and click on the ''Open'' button.
Internet Marketing
The name of the image will appear in the box next to the word ''Little image''.
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For some browsers like Google Chrome, the name of the image will appear next to the button ''Choose File''.
ecommerce solution provider
Click on the ''Upload'' button.
9 -
e-commerce web site
The image will appear in the frame.
To choose a frame, you must click the down arrow in the address of the image and choose a model frame number.
10 -
ecommerce shopping cart
A confirmation message will appear, read it and click on the ''OK'' button.
ecommerce web site design
11 -
Click on the ''Upload'' button.
ecommerce software
The decorative frame will appear around your image.
shopping cart system
The result in the online store :
shopping cart program
Here are the frame models are offered :
Frame model 02
Frame model 01
Frame model 03
shopping cart ecommerce solutions free
Frame model 04
Frame model 05
Frame model 06 shopping cart secure shopping cart online store
Frame model 07
Frame model 08
Frame model 09
ecommerce solution ecommerce web site solution e-commerce website design
Frame model 10
Frame model 11
Frame model 12
internet shopping cart small business ecommerce Website Development Packages
Frame model 13
Frame model 15
Frame model 14
ecommerce web hosting Ecommerce solutions ecommerce shopping cart software
A special thank you to François of who designed these beautiful frames for help the community. To appreciate his work, visit his site :
If you do not want the frame around your image, click on the ''Delete'' button.
order management software

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