Sales and statistics
How do I access at my new and old messages?
How do I access my new and old messages?
Log in your administration.
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Click on ''My sales/statistics''.
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ecommerce web hosting
At a glance, you can check if you have new messages. The number of new messages is indicated by a number written in red.
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ecommerce hosting
To view your messages, click the button ''Messages'', located below the second frame.
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ecommerce solution
The list of messages will appear in the bottom of the screen.
e-commerce web site
If there is an ''X'' in the field next to the IP address this means that you have read the message.
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ecommerce software
You can also see from what IP address the message is sent, the date and time the message was made and the name and email address of the person who sent the message.
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ecommerce web site design
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To view a message, click the IP address of the message you want to see.
online store
A window will appear. It contains the client's message, a ''Reply'' button and a ''Delete'' button.
ecommerce solution provider
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If you want to reply to the message, click the button ''Reply'', a window (like Outlook) will appear with the e-mail client already appearing. Write your answer and send it to your customer.
ecommerce solutions
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If you want to delete the message, click the ''Delete'' button.
A message asking you if you are sure you want to delete the message appears, click ''OK''.
The message will disappear automatically.

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