How are the statistics calculated?
If you see something wrong with the display of statistics it's because the update has not yet been made. For performance reasons, the calculation of the visits in the administrator operates as follows :
The update is done in real time for the following statistics :
The total of visitors, the average of visitors per day, the average of pages per visit, the visited pages by people, the English pages percentage, the French pages percentage, the Spanish pages percentage, the total sales, the new sales, the total of new sales, the new messages, the new comments (products) and the new comments (articles).
The update is done once a day (every night) for the following statistics :
The average time per visit, the visited pages search engines and details on search engines (which you get by clicking on the button ''Search engine'').
The update is done every 30 minutes for the following function :
The last 200 visitors.