Help window size text in static pages
Hello all
I customize my store little by little, and then I change the text on all pages static The problem is that I just can not seem to resize the window containing the text, Can you tell me how? because in some places, my text goes to the next line, then it would be much better in the continuity of the first line I hope I was clear, Thank you
jenny said ...
why just do this: Write your text then click around on it with the click of your mouse and then right at the same time you click the button above your keyboard Ctrl, the one with the arrow, it will turn yellow with your mouse while you stretch right left I hope my explanation is clear enough good luck 2010-12-15
KingEshop said ...
From what we understand of your question, here's a question that our FAQ will help you : Regards, KingEshop Team. 2010-12-16
Anonymous said ...
That's fine thank you,
The answers are at the top Cordially 2010-12-16