Give me advice please
Hello all.

I listened to your advice, and I want to know what you think of the changes to my site

I started to change photos


Thank you very much in advance
Author : charlotte
Readings : 1452
Creation : 2011-12-09
charlotte said ...
Several of you have seen my site ... it would be nice to tell me what do you think

thank you and good day: o)
mel17 said ...
Hello Charlotte

I love your site. The colors are neutral. Prices are affordable.

In my opinion, you should first put the clothes

The products are well described. Removes the word ''description''.
Your site is very professional.

I hope I helped you
julius said ...
hello charlotte,

I love your site. There are some exceptions:

1: Something is missing on the home page. You can add a space for products on sale and each month you can put

new ones.

2: You must avoid the links to partners. You can have a trading partner but you put a lot of links that

redirects your customers (or prospective customers) at the competition, it's not good.

3. You can do an article on ideas of clothing that you can update regularly.

I have nothing else to say

good luck
julius said ...
I just see that you have products on sale. As I've written, put these products on your home page
bébécalinou said ...
I really like the design. Something is missing in the bottom of the home page.
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