Duplicate the home page and keywords for search engines
a small post for two questions:
I wonder if it is possible to duplicate the home page in French in the home page in English to keep the layout of photos and only have to edit the text.
When you put the key words for the engines (in pictures), should they be separated by a comma?
If these subjects were already in the forum, sorry I have not found.
thank you all
Author : yhtranch
Readings : 10072
Creation : 2011-11-16
Antoine said ...

For your homepage, you should redo it completely. For keywords, comma or space, it makes no difference. But the right thing to do is put words representing well the picture and the page. If you are looking to cheat, google will punish you.

yhtranch said ...
thank you Anthony
For the homepage, I will repeat one by one
For photos, thank you for the advice. I'll change the words to better "stick" to the image
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