Creation problem
impossible to build my site, I can not even install to my home page and put my logo normally:
someone can help me because their support does not work
thank you
Author : salim
Readings : 1706
Creation : 2009-09-14
KingEshop said ...
Hi Salim,

Please see our FAQ, it contains all the necessary information to help you :


KingEshop Team.
Ni62 said ...
No Panic Salim

that your logo is the location like the place, go to the administration of your site on my web page, just below to download the logo of the company, there logo placement on distance from the top turn 5 and turn left at distance 0, then click the edit button for it to save your new data.

then made a check on your site, and retry the operation if necessary until you find the location of your logo.

Good luck :-)
Anonymous said ...
I think we should not forget to save after each change, otherwise it takes no account I think.

I did a little tour on the site, it's true that no link works. Too bad I liked your Boncuk:)
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