Configure 3 taxes

I saw that you I configure up to 3 taxes. Is it mandatory to configure all three?

thank you very much
Author : Vic
Readings : 1607
Creation : 2016-07-02
Anonymous said ...

No, you can only configure the number of tax you need.

Vic said ...

Thank you I am reassured!

Good luck
sumsel said ...
I opted to configure no taxes. Customers who require an invoice (with VAT or TVA or MwSt or IVA or whatever it may be called in their country) have to contact me anyways to get it beause this shop does not automatically create any correct invoices. Also, as far as I could see (also still new here), if you configure taxes, then the prices displayed to customers will be net prices, and taxes will be added only when they want to oder. I want to show the final price to my customers in the product display, so I don't use the tax fields here, just put the final prices all included into the product price fields.
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