A small look at my site please
Go! I glue myself also because this little test to others seems full of advice ...
So, tell me what you think of my site, any criticism is welcome. <br / > It still lacks a lot of items that I come gradually.
Voili address:
<br /> Thank you.
Author : biscottine
Readings : 1971
Creation : 2009-09-06
Sabrina said ...
Hi biscottine,

I went to your website and for my part I find nothing wrong! The products are well presented, free shipping offers really want to order and I find the idea very nice to you, + it gives customers confidence to know some things about the person behind the site. By cons, if I may I have avoided putting multiple exclamation points after the home page (Example: For a purchase of 50 Keychain jewel OFFERED !!!!) I think it does not very Pro ...

Good luck!

PS: If you have some spare time could you give me your opinion on my site? (http://www.avonbeauty.kingeshop.com)

Thank you
philippe said ...
I feel pity for me is that you put more writing on your homepage that image and I find them small, which does not hit the eye when you come over,
I would have to earn the spot put the paypal logo on the side it could eat you up less space and can enlarge your photos
The commitments of the shop, not bad, but I made so that it is on purpose or above, so that when we arrive we see first is what I think the client would like to see immediately with glimpses of what you have
Otherwise, the rest very well
but!! attention, I judge, I just gave an opinion that is mine
and as usual, I ask you to tell me what you think of mine
I am open to listen to criticism or even advice
best regards
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