A opinion on my site
A notice on my site! http://www.zesig.com thank you
didie said ...
I think he is sober fun to watch. The colors and the choice of the logo go well together.
Kalie said ...
Nice work on your website! If I may, the slogan you are using in the top banner needs a correction. Instead of: VOUS ALLEZ AIMER ZESIG CE QUE DETESTE LES AUTRES ! it should read: VOUS ALLEZ AIMER ZESIG QUE LES AUTRES DETESTENT ! with ENT at the end of the word DETESTENT, whether you decide to use the sentence I suggested or not. Also, you might want to change the font (Police) and rather use Arial Narrow this way, your slogan will fit better on the pink area of your banner. I hope this would help. Regards, Kalie P.S.: Dites-moi si vous préféreriez que je vous donne les explications ci-dessus en français. :-) 2010-01-13