עזרה (סעיף זה יהיה זמין בקרוב בשפה שלך)
נושאים מרכזיים
How can I sign up with KingEshop?
How long does it take to sign up with KingEshop?
What do I do if I do not receive confirmation by email?
I do not have a domain name, can I still sign up?
How can I have my own domain name?
Refunds and Returns Policy
What are the security codes for?
Who can use KingEshop?
Is there a charge for technical support?
Is there a fee for hosting?
Is there a charge for the SSL security certificate?
Can I cancel my account at any time?
Do you offer a administrator interface?
Can I access my administrator interface from any computer?
Can I integrate KingEshop in an a existing site?
Why the security certificate is not valid in some browsers?
How to activate ''Cookies'' in the Internet Explorer browser?
How to activate ''Cookies'' in the Mozilla Forefox browser?
Are KingEshop online stores safe?
I'm not receiving messages from the contact page in my mailbox, why?
Can we sell erotics products (sex toys, lingerie, etc.) in the KingEshop shops?
How to update my computer after a change of domain name?
How are the shops removed?
How to change the color of my administration interface?
How to use the forum?
How does the maintenance of the online shop work?
Can I configure two domain names for my online store?
How to change the user (e-mail)?
How can I install your software on my servers?
What should I do when there is a ''bug''?
Why is my cart emptied when placing an order?
Can I sell counterfeit products?
Can I change a domain name several times?
Can you delete a message in the forum?
What to think of sites that help with SEO?

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