Optimization for my site ?
Br has all the team and those who read this post
I think I have configured my administrator page (by putting the right keywords!)
<Br / > However on google and other search engines, how long it can take to better place (maybe I'm not patient?)
and solutions Is there free (but not site that are not clear!), I'm trying to do with adwords, but I do not understand the operation ,???< br />
Regarding SEO, my brand is initially: pink go <br /> only is not always accepted so I have to write: pink and go
THERE this may affect my referencing when his shot
Author : orel
Readings : 2043
Creation : 2009-09-01
KingEshop said ...
Hi Orel,

Please, read this very carefully, it is in french but you can translate it with the Google Translator :


and this :


We also have several article that give you information on Google Adwords :



KingEshop Team.
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