Static pages and articles
How to move a text in the page of the editor?
How to move a text in the page of the editor?
1 -
Log in your administration.
2 -
Click on the button ''My web site''.
e-commerce web site
3 -
Then click on the button ''Statics pages''.
ecommerce software
4 -
Click on the static page in which you want to work.
The page editor will appear.
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Locate the text you want to move.
5 -
ecommerce solutions
6 -
Click on your text with the left button of your mouse and hold down the button. The text will be yellow, the numbers that determine its localization (explained just below) and a cursor will appear at the four sides also appear.
Ecommerce solutions
7 -
By keeping the left button of your mouse, move the mouse from left to right or up and down, your text will be moving. Place your text to the place that suits you. You can use the numbers that determine the location of the text to help you align your text and images. The figures that determine the localization of the text are explained a bit lower.
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Release the mouse, your text will return to normal.
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You can also choose the width of your text. To achieve this you must :
Place your mouse cursor over the text.
a )
Press the button ''Shift'' on your keyboard and stay well above the finger.
b )
Click the left button of your mouse and keep well above the finger.
c )
The text will be yellow, the numbers that determine its localization (explained just below) and a cursor will appear at two sides also appear.
ecommerce web site design
Hold the button ''Shift'' on your keyboard and the left button of your mouse.
Move your mouse from left to right. Your text will shrink to the left and expand to the right. Continue to move your mouse to the left or right until the text reaches the width you want. Note the number of location ''H'' and ''W'', they rise and fall according to the movement of your mouse. ''H'' is the height of the text and ''W'' is the width of the text. Look a little lower if you want more information on the number of location.
d )
e )
Release your mouse button and the ''Shift'' key on your keyboard. Your text will return to normal.
Note : It is very important to maintain the button ''Shift'' on your keyboard (with your finger on it), otherwise you can not change the width of your text.
10 -
Save your work by clicking on the button ''Save''.
ecommerce web hosting
Explanation of the numbers of localization :
The numbers of location of a text are located on top of a text on which you clicked with the left button of your mouse.
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The numbers determine the localization where is your text in the page.
There are four numbers of localization :
Determines the distance between the left side of the page and text.
L :
ecommerce hosting
T :
Determines the distance between the top and the text
ecommerce solution
H :
Determines the height of your text and not on the page, but the height of the text as such. The higher the figure will be higher the longer your text will be high.
online store
W :
Determines the width of your text. The higher the number will be high over the text will be large.
ecommerce solution provider
Tip : Save often in the editor and go to refresh your online store too often, that way you can see the results of your work at the same rate as your work beforehand, will be easier for you to see where you've made.

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