Configuration and appearance of my website
How to choose a site template?
How to choose a site template?
Log in your administration.
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Click on the button "My web site".
ecommerce solutions
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Then click on the button "Look".
ecommerce solution
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Click on the "Site template" icon.
ecommerce solution provider
The page to select a site template will appear.
ecommerce web hosting
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Click on the template category to see the choice of proposed models.
All models in this category will appear.
ecommerce software
You can return to the category page of the site templates at any time by clicking on the "All categories" button.
ecommerce web site design
Click on the site template that you like the most.
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The following message will appear : You have chosen the template number : (model number). If you want to restore your old template, you need to choose the number : (number of your old model).
Click on "OK".
e-commerce web site
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The new model that you choose will be stored automatically in your online store. To see the new model, simply refresh your online store.
Note : It is possible to see the old site templates by clicking on the button "Show old site templates".
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