Main questions
How to change the user (e-mail)?
How to change the user (e-mail)?
It is very important to understand that the email address is the unique identifier that connects you to your online store and proves that you are the only legitimate owner.
If you try to communicate with us from another email address, we will be unable to ensure that you are the owner and in most cases, we can not do anything for you.
You must understand that for reasons of basic security, we can not give ownership of a shop to anyone on the simple fact that he himself says he is the owner.
You must take care of your email address, because if you delete your email account with your email provider, your shop will be orphaned and in most cases, it will eventually be deleted.
However, if you have lost access to your email address or you simply want to change it, we can try an internal procedure that involves several stages of confirmation.
The costs for this are 12 euros and you must follow a procedure that we will explain later. If you are interested, you must write to us ( so that we send you a payment request.
In all cases, prevention is the best solution. Take care of your email account, you'll save unnecessary costs, trouble and you will never have problems to confirm your ownership.

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